Individual Dreamwork offers an opportunity to enter the vast creative landscape of your own dreams with a capable guide and companion.

A professional dreamworker, like a compass, provides points of reference, so that you can venture safely away from familiar trails to encounter the wonders of the dream wilderness, beyond the maps you brought with you. The dreamworker turns your attention to sights you might have missed, and helps you work your way through difficult terrain.

In the midst of this wilderness, we find a quiet place to sit, and rest, and talk...

In the midst of this wilderness, we find a quiet place to sit, and rest, and talk…

A dreamworker from Compass Dreamwork can explore your dreams with you:

  • ask questions, to help you unfold further dimensions of the dream
  • seek connections between your waking and dreaming experiences
  • bear witness to your story
  • help you to imagine alternative approaches to the dream, and routes through the dream, to find openings at dead ends and to see through blind spots
  • imagine the dream as if it were their own, and share their experiences from that perspective (always acknowledging that your experience of your dream is primary)
  • follow the trajectory of your evolving dream patterns over time (if you meet more than once), and help you to find meaning in those patterns
  • demonstrate the possibilities of interconnectedness between this dream and the larger dreaming: a larger sense of meaning

Kerry Backstrom is a certified dreamworker, experienced with individual and group dreamwork in a variety of contexts. They are also trained and experienced as an interfaith spiritual director and pastoral counselor, and their work is informed by the Internal Family Systems model of psychotherapy. Their approach to dreamwork is flexible, so each session is adapted to the individual needs, temperament, interests, and comfort-level of the dreamer, drawing from a wide range of dreamwork traditions and practices as appropriate.